Personal Belongings

Olean Campus

Residents are expected to be dressed in street clothes/clothes that they feel comfortable wearing. Residents generally need about 10 full outfits plus adequate outer clothing as the season dictates. Because of limited closet and drawer space, out-of-season clothing should be taken home. There is also limited locker space to store out-of-season items for residents.

Residents are encouraged to personalize their rooms. Familiar objects from home such as pictures, photo albums, throw pillows, plants, radios, etc., can be helpful in making the resident rooms more home-like. All electrical equipment must be checked by the maintenance department before being used in the facility.

Residents and or their responsible party are requested to remove personal belongings from the facility when a resident is discharged and is not planning on returning to the facility. The facility reserves the right to dispose of any of resident's belongings that remain at the facility for more than 30 days following the resident's discharge.

Machias Campus


Residents are expected to be dressed in street clothes/clothes that they feel comfortable wearing. Residents generally need about 10 full outfits plus adequate outer clothing as the season dictates. Because of limited closet and drawer space, out-of-season clothing should be taken home. 

Residents are encouraged to personalize their rooms. Familiar objects from home such as pictures, photo albums, throw pillows, plants, radios, etc., can be helpful in making the resident rooms more home-like. All electrical equipment must be checked by the maintenance department before being used in the facility.

Residents and or their responsible party are requested to remove personal belongings from the facility when a resident is discharged and is not planning on returning to the facility. The facility reserves the right to dispose of any of resident's belongings that remain at the facility for more than 30 days following the resident's discharge.