Laundry Services

Laundry Services

The Pines provides linens (sheets, blankets, towels, gowns, etc.) to our residents. Our facility provides laundry service for resident's personal laundry or the family may launder the resident's personal items if they choose. All pieces of resident's clothing need to be marked with their name, regardless if the laundry is being done by the facility or the family. All clothing needs to be inventoried on our clothing/belonging sheet by the resident services clerk(Olean). The laundry department has a marking machine for labeling clothing if the resident or family prefers.

It is recommended that residents have approximately 10 outfits, including tops, pants, dresses, undergarments, socks, etc. Clothing should be of permanent press fabric. Wool is not recommended. Because of limited closet and drawer space, out of season clothing should be taken home.

Any additions to a resident's wardrobe, or anything removed or disposed of should be reported to the resident service clerk so an update can be filed on the resident's clothing sheet.(Olean)