Machias Facility, New York State Department of Health Visitation Changes

The following is a summary of the changes the New York State Department of Health has implemented on September 17th. The highlights are as follows:

  •  Visitors are screened for signs and symptoms of COVID 19 prior to residents access. Additionally, the visitor must present a verified negative test result within the last week (7 days) and visitation must be refused if the individual(s) fails to present such negative test result, exhibits any COVID-19 symptoms, or does not pass screening questions.
  • Two visitors will be allowed per resident at any one time.
  • Visitor under the age of 18 years old are permitted when accompanied by an adult.
  • In person visitations will be moved indoors, to The Grove, when inclement weather becomes an issue.
  • Visitation cannot occur in residents rooms or care areas.
  • Visitors must wear a face mask or face covering at all times and maintain social distancing.
  • The week of September 20-26, we will be offering window visits only.
  • Beginning the week of September 27th, outdoor visits will resume. They will occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with a morning session from 10:30 - 11:30 am and an an afternoon session from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. There will be 5 appointments available at each session. On Mondays and Wednesdays, we will continue to host window visits between 10:00 - 11:30 am, and again from 2:30 to 4:00 pm.
  • Call the facility for further information or clarification.

The link below is for the letter in its entirety:

Published on Fri, 09/18/2020 - 17:26 | Last Updated on 10/01/2020 16:10