Pines Olean Update June 22, 2020

On the afternoon of June 22, 2020, the Pines of Olean received more results from our State-directed large scale employee COVID-19 testing.  We had multiple negative results, and 1 nursing staff and 1 contractor test positive.  As required we have provided notification to all families and staff members of the positive results.  We have also offered testing to all residents as a precautionary measure.

The facility will continue to follow all Executive Order issued by Governor Cuomo.  Additional positive test results may arise as reports continue to come in.  Plans are in place to accommodate for staffing needs and challenges that may occur as a result of employees being taken out of work due to this testing mandate.  Plans are also in place to isolate residents who may receive a positive test result to avoid the spread of infection.

Kelly Reed

Deputy County Administrator/Acting Director of Nursing Homes

Cattaraugus County (716) 938-2235: Office, Little Valley

Published on Mon, 06/22/2020 - 14:49 | Last Updated on 09/15/2020 13:30