Visitation Restrictions and Item Quarantine

Just a reminder to all family members that we cannot have visitors in or around the facility during this state of emergency. The includes “window” visits. Our residents’ privacy is very important, so we cannot have people up close to the windows, peeping in, decorating law areas, etc. We have made arrangements for video-conferencing and advise anyone interested to refer to the website news article "Skype for Residents and Families" for instructions and to complete a Skype request form. Our residents are permitted to go outside, but still cannot have outside visitors.


All drop-off packages are being held in quarantine for 48 hours before being moved to residents rooms so please do not bring fresh food items as we cannot accept them.

Published on Wed, 04/08/2020 - 13:47 | Last Updated on 04/08/2020 13:50