Olean Pines Visitation Announcement

     Please be advised that today April 1, 2021, The Pines of Olean, through rapid COVID testing on staff, received 2 positive test result for a staff member. These staff members have had no contact with any residents in the facility; however, New York State Health Department regulations require the cancellation of all in-person visitation due to the positive results until we can complete COVID testing on all residents with no positive results.  We are beginning that required testing now, and it is our goal to have them completed within a few hours.  We have to cancel the scheduled visits for today; however, it is our hope that we will be able to keep all of tomorrows visits on schedule and accommodate those families that we're unable to receive their visits today by re-scheduling them tomorrow.
    The facility is working closely with the state and local Department of Health and will continue to take all appropriate measures as they direct. Thank you for your continued support during these difficult times.

Published on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 14:25 | Last Updated on 04/30/2021 09:46