COVID-19 Update: March 13, 2020

Effective immediately and per the New York State Department of Health and Governor’s orders, the Pines Nursing Homes are closed to all visitations until further notice.

We are encouraging resident family members and friends to make phone calls and are currently making arrangements for the use of “Skype” to allow for video-conferencing.  Contact the facilities directly to make arrangements for a “Skype” visit.  Please note that you will need to have the “Skype” app on your smart phone to utilize this service.

In Machias, please continue to use the main number for all calls - (716) 353-8516.

In Olean, (716) 373-1910, please use the following extension based on the need of call:

Extensions for Family Members and Friends:

  • A Wing: Ext 4407 or 4412
  • B Wing: Ext 4417 or 4413
  • C Wing: Ext 4411 or 4414

Extensions for Medical Issues:

  • A Wing: Ext 4408
  • B Wing: Ext 4418
  • C Wing: Ext 4416

Please direct all questions and concerns to the facilities as we move forward under these current restrictions and changes. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Published on Fri, 03/13/2020 - 11:42 | Last Updated on 03/13/2020 14:45